A Thursday Morning in the Library…

It was a great Thursday morning in the library today. First we had a visit from two friendly carpenters, who very efficiently built some very smart cupboards in our meeting room. Looking good and they will be so useful. Thank you Southway.

They were following by a concerned Grandma. A little one had left her Teddy behind on Wednesday- fortunately Ollie had found him and he was put in a safe place for a sleepover at the library. We assured her he would have had a lovely time with all the other toys in our Children’s Section.

Finally we found the tasty goodies in the kitchen  left by the secret Santas, really enjoyed them, particularly the chocolate dinosaurs from Debbie McDermott.

It’s been a good year in the Hub and here’s to another successful one in  2016.

Happy Christmas,
Vol.  Doreen (Robinson)

The new cupboards installed today by Southway Housing.

The new cupboards installed today by Southway Housing.

Toys (Medium)

Some of the toys in the children’s area.